Pregnant [Mullette]

492 31 15

Lafayette shifted as he stared at the positive pregnancy test. He gnawed on his lip, anxiety filling him. How was he supposed to tell Hercules? Were they even ready for a baby?

"Laf, I'm home." Hercules called and it was followed by a door shutting.

Lafayette pursed his lips before standing up and walking out to great his lover.

"Hello Hercules." He said and kissed him. Hercules smiled into it and pulled away.

"You alright?" Hercules asked, frowning. Lafayette smiled a bit nervously. He wasn't exactly surprised that Hercules had noticed his anxiety. No matter how much he tried to hide it, Hercules always saw it.

"I..." he pursed his lips before letting pit a shaky breath. "I'm pregnant."

Hercules blinked. Lafayette could see the gears turning in his head and he waited with baited breath for his reaction.

He watched with wide eyes as Hercules' expression turned to one of pure joy.

"We're gonna be parents!" He shouted with joy.

Lafayette laughed, a couple years of happiness slipping past.

"Yeah Herc, yeah." He said. "We're gonna have a child."

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