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Requested by: vinesareshit


George smiled widely when he saw the ship approach. His skin was tingling with anticipation. It had been four years since he'd last seen and held his lover. Letters weren't enough.

He was practically vibrating when the ship ported and people started to leave. He grinned when he spotted his lover's trademark fluffy hair.

"Thomas!" He called, unable to stop himself. Thomas stopped and looked around before his eyes landed on George.

"George!" He said, walking over to him. "It's been way too long-"

George cut him off, placing a long awaited kiss on his lips. Thomas instantly relaxed against him, melting into the kiss.

"It's been so long." George whispered, cradling Thomas' face.

"But I'm here now." Thomas said, eyes filled with happiness. "And I'm here to stay."

George nodded, kissing him again before picking him up. Thomas shrieked and nearly smacked him in the face but quickly settled down.

"You don't have to carry me." He said softly, arms going around George's strong neck.

"I've missed having you in my arms." George replied, pressing a soft kiss on Thomas' neck, causing him to giggle.

"What about my luggage?" Thomas asked.

"A servant can take care of it." George said, smiling adoringly at his lover. "Let's go home."

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