Trans [Hamburr]

629 29 17

Requested by: -LinzieHayes, and ceeceeluvs15


Alexander couldn't stop staring. He wasn't sure why maybe it was the abnormality of seeing Erin Burr in a dress. His classmate never wore dresses or skirts, it was always pants and occasionally shorts.

He couldn't help but purse his lips when he noticed how uncomfortable she looked.

He stood and walked over to her. Maybe she was just nervous or something about graduation.

"Hey." He said, taking a seat beside her.

She looked up, startled. "Um, hello." She said, shifting in her seat and fiddling with the long skirt of the dress.

"Are you alright?" Alexander asked.

Erin's eyes widened and she gave him a shaky smile. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Alexander frowned. "I can tell you're lying to me, Erin."

She flinched and her grip tightened. "I'm fine." She repeated.

"Erin, what's going on," Alexander asked.

Erin pursed her lips and Alexander was startled when he saw tears building in her eyes.

"I don't know." She whispered. "Everything feels wrong and I hate this, I hate my body and this dress and-" Her voice broke off in a sob.

Alexander frowned and carefully put a hand on her shoulder. "Erin, how long have you felt like this?"

She shrugged helplessly.

Alexander pursed his lips. "Erin, I think you're trans."

She blinked. "T-Trans?"

"Yeah. It means that although your parts down there are typically female, you feel more masculine. More like a male than a female. Does that sound right?" He asked gently.

"I..." Erin trailed off. "M-Maybe?"

"Well, what pronouns do you prefer? He/him, they/them, or she/her?"

Her brow furrowed. "I, I don't know." She whispered. "Um, definitely not she/her though..."

"Okay. Okay, that's fine. You've got time to figure everything out." He smiled down at his friend. "Are you alright with me calling you Erin?"

"Y-Yes, but maybe with the more masculine spelling?"

"You mean a-a-r-o-n?"

Aaron nodded.

"Okay," Alexander said. "Now, I've got a change of clothes. Do you want to get out of this dress?"

Aaron's eyes widened and they nodded frantically. "Yes please."

Alexander smiled, before grabbing their hand. "If you have any questions, you can tell me. Don't be afraid to ask." He said as he led them to the change rooms.

Aaron nodded, their tears mostly gone now. "Thank you, Alexander." They whispered.

Alexander only smiled and squeezed their hand.

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