Snow [Jamilton]

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"Thomas! Thomas wake up!!" 

Thomas groaned and lifted his head to stare at his excited boyfriend.

"What?" He grumbled. Alexander's eyes were bright, brighter then usual.

"Look!" He said, hushed. He bounced on the balls of his feet like child, pointing to the window excitedly.

Thomas raised an eyebrow. "It's just snow." He said. "You woke me up for snow?"

"Come on Thomas! Look at it!" Alexander's eyes were shining as he pressed his face against the window. "It's magnificent."

Thomas stared at his lover, before rolling his eyes and flopping back down, snuggling into the covers and closing his eyes.

"Thomas let's go outside!" Alexander suddenly said, grabbing Thomas' wrist and attempting to drag him out of bed.

"Alexander." Thomas drawled. "The snow isn't going anywhere. Now let me sleep."

Alexander frowned, staring down at the sleepy form that was Thomas Jefferson. "Thomas please!" He pleaded, before pulling out the big shots.

Puppy dog eyes.

Thomas stared at him for a moment. Alexander stared back at Thomas intently. He smirked when Thomas caved first.

"Ugh. Fiiiine." He moaned. He sat up and ran a hand through his floofy hair. Alexander drank in the exposed flesh. He had no idea how Thomas could sleep without a shirt in winter. It was freezing!

"Let me get dress. And make me some coffee. You owe that much to me for waking me up just for snow." He grumbled.  Alexander wrinkled his nose at the request, but didn't protest. Thomas was right and they both knew it.


Alexander was just finishing up the coffee when Thomas finally wandered downstairs decked out in full winter gear.

"Wow. You're prepared." Alexander said, handing Thomas a thermos full of fresh coffee.

"It's cold outside." He said, cradling the thermos.

"Says the man who sleeps without a shirt." Alexander said, rolling his eyes.

Thomas bristled. "The bed has covers! I'd overheat if I wore a shirt and had the duvet."

"Yeah okay Thomas." Alexander said. He walked over to the man and grabbed one of his hands. "Now let's go outside!"

Thomas sighed but allowed him to drag him out. While Thomas stood on the porch, obviously displeased, Alexander rushed out and dove into the nearest snowbank. Thomas watch as Alexander screamed and laughed as he played in the snow. He scoffed. He didn't understand the huge fuss. It was just snow.

"Hey Thomas!" He turned to Alexander, only to blink in surprise and stumble backwards as a snowball slammed into his face. He let out a screech and fell on his butt. Alexander burst out laughing.

"Oh my god your face!!" He wheezed, holding his stomach in laughter. Letting out a growl, Thomas made his own snowball and chucked it at Alexander's face. He smirked when Alexander fell backwards, letting out a squeal as the cold hit his face.

Alexander's eyes met Thomas'.

Oh it's on.


"Ugh! Now I'm cold and miserable!" Thomas whined, hugging himself. Alexander stood beside him, grinning crazily.

"That was amazing!" He cried, throwing his arms up. Thomas stared at him.

"What's the huge deal? I don't get what's so great about snow." He asked, still wet and miserable.

"I've never seen snow before." Alexander replied, walking away and hanging up his wet coat. Thomas stared after him, shocked.

"You've never seen snow before?!" He cried.

"Nope. It never snowed in the Caribbean." He said. Thomas stared at him, hesitant. He didn't know a whole lot about Alexander's past, but he knew it wasn't all fun and games.

Thomas swallowed, giving Alexander a small smile. "Wanna go cuddle on the couch?"

Alexander smiled, obviously happy for the change of topic.

"Of course."

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