Glasses [Poly Hamilton]

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"Oh my god!" Alexander cried.

Aaron looked up from his book with a frown.

"Um, is something wrong Alexander?" He asked.

"You have glasses!" His boyfriend yelled gleefully.

Aaron stared at him, only then realizing that he'd been so tired that morning that he'd forgotten to change into contact lenses. His face burned with embarrassment.

"What's all the commotion?" Hercules asked, walking into the room. He stopped and blinked when he saw the plain black glasses, innocently perched on Aaron's nose. "Oh my god." He whispered and before Aaron knew it, he'd taken out his phone and snapped a picture.

"Hercules!" He whined, hiding his face.

"I'm sending these to our boyfriends," Hercules said with a wide grin.

"No!" Aaron yelped, face bright red with embarrassment.

"Too late."

"Arghhhhh!" Aaron buried his face in a pillow, ignoring the uncomfortable press of his glasses to his eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed babe." Alexander cooed, sitting beside him and attempting to coax him out. "It's really cute."

Aaron only buried his face further.

When Lafayette and John came home, they cooed and cuddled with him. From his place in the cuddle pile, Aaron made a mental note to wear his glasses more often.

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