Betrayal [Madilton]

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Requested by: http-villain


Alexander stared blankly at Madison. This couldn't be happening. Why was this happening?

He trembled and clenched his fist.

"Why the fuck are you with Jefferson?" Alexander said lowly.

Madison arched a brow. "Maybe because your debt plan is the stupidest thing I've ever read."

Alexander's face turned red with fury. "That doesn't answer the fucking question! Why Jefferson?"

Madison rolled his eyes. "Green doesn't suit you."

Alexander growled. "Answer the question Madison."

"He's actually smart." Madison said. "And likeable. We both agree you're an idiot, I guess your stupidity brought us together."

Hurt bloomed in Alexander's chest. Madison had been his friend. When had that changed?

Madison gave him a mocking wave. "See you later." He said before returning to Jefferson.

Alexander's hurt turned into rage.

He glared daggers into Madison's back. He'd show him. Madison was going to be the stupid one, not him.

Holding back the tears of hurt and betrayal, he turned on his heel and stalked off.

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