Fading Friend [Burrfayette]

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"Lafayette! Lafayette look!"

Lafayette turned and smiled happily when he saw his best friend running up to him holding a book.

"What's that Aaron?" He asked, large eyes filled with curiosity. Aaron grinned and sat down, patting the dirt beside him.

"Sit! I wanna show you!"

Lafayette did as requested and sat beside the boy, leaning over to look at the book.

"It's a book about fairies Lafayette! Mama got it for me just now!"

"It's so pretty!"

Aaron nodded in agreement.


Esther Burr observed her son from a distance, watching as he chatted away excitedly.

"Honey are you sure we shouldn't take him to a doctor?" She asked, eyebrows knit with concern.

"Esther it's fine. It's normal for children his age to have imaginary friends."

Esther sighed. "I know, but not many are as convinced as him that their friend is real."

Her husband smiled and shook his head a bit. "Once he makes some real friends, he'll forget all about this 'Lafayette'."


As it turns out, Aaron's parents were correct.

When he went into middle school, he met a boy who was just as smart as him. Lafayette watched as the two played together.

He looked down.

They weren't playing with him.


Next came high school. Aaron's friend Alexander Hamilton made some new ones, and Lafayette almost hoped that Alexander wouldn't return, but that wasn't the case. Aaron began to hang out with these new friends.

Lafayette was forgotten.


High school passed quickly and then college came. At this point, Lafayette could almost see through himself.

It hurt every time Aaron made new friends. It hurt even more when Lafayette tried to talk to him but got no response in return.


Lafayette watched in utter silence as Aaron stood at the alter, smiling lovingly into his fiance's eyes. Lafayette felt something cold and wet slip down his cheek.

He touched his cheek, surprised to see liquid on it. His eyes widened when he realized he was crying.

He looked back up at Aaron just in time to see his fiance pull him into a kiss. It was like a stab to the heart.

More tears fell and Lafayette forced himself to look away.

He stared down at his nearly invisible hands.

Aaron didn't need him anymore.

It was time to go.


Lafayette didn't even notice when Aaron locked eyes on him, before disappearing in a blink of the eye.

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