Hanahaki Disease [Lams]

412 29 22

Requested by: Hamilton_Lams


John watched as Alexander chatted away with a man and tried to swallow behind the building petals in his throat.

He couldn't hold back a cough, and his hand quickly flying to his mouth and capturing the petals that managed to slip out.

He crushed them and dropped them to the floor.

"John!" Alexander said and John's eyes immediately fell to his linked hands with the man.

"What's up?" He asked, the pressure in his lungs building.

"This is Aaron." Alexander said, gesturing to the man. John felt his heart flutter at the sight of Alexander's wide grin.

His heart dropped at his next words though.

"He's my boyfriend."

"I..." John stammered. "I didn't know you were dating again."

Alexander grinned, looking sheepish. Alexander never looked sheepish.

"I know but..." John felt sick to his stomach when Alexander directed a lovesick smile in Aaron's direction, which he returned. "When I saw Aaron, I just knew, yah know?"

Aaron flushed and ducked his head, quickly stealing a kiss on the cheek. Jealousy burned through John, white and hot. He wanted to be the one who kissed Alexander. He wanted that lovesick gaze to be directed at him.

"R-right." John said weakly. He inhaled loudly, feeling the petals rise at an alarming rate and tried to subtly cough into his hand.

"We've gotta head out." Alexander said. "But I'll see you later, okay?"

"Sure thing Alexander." John said, trying his best to pull off a smirk. "We've got a lot of catching up to apparently."

Alexander laughed before walking away hand-in-hand with Aaron.

Once they were out of sight, John put his head down in the table and tried desperately to control his breathing. He took in large, gasping breaths, but soon found they he couldn't get air into his lungs, not matter how hard he cough.

His hands scrambled to his chest as he gaped for breath. Petals tainted with spit and blood fell from his mouth and to the floor.

His vision started to fill with black spots and John's last thought before he lost consciousness was: 'I love you Alex.'

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