Home [Leggy]

372 12 6

Requested by: kellydelavega1


John pursed his lips as he wandered through the thick forest. The small village by the beach had told him the temple where the supposed monster was was only a few miles into the forest, but honestly, John felt like hed been walking for far longer.

He sighed, before drinking some water out of his canteen and continuing on. It wasn't like he could go back to the lab and just say he got nothing. He'd probably be fired.

Eventually, after what seemed like hours of endless wandering, he spotted a small structure. He walked over to it, eyes lighting up when he realized that this had to be the temple.

He was about to enter it, when everything went black.


John groaned and slowly blinked his eyes open, only to immediately slam them shut to keep out the intruding sunlight.

He groaned again as he lay there, wondering what the hell had happened.

He flinched and shot up when something poked him in the side with a curious hum.

He scrambled backward and his face flushed a dark red when he saw a naked woman crouched beside him.

"E-Excuse me!" He stammered, putting his hands over his eyes. "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?"

He peaked through his fingers to see the woman tilted her head, a confused look on her face.

"Clo... cloooo." The woman frowned, opening and closing her mouth as she tried to imitate the sounds that John had made.

"D-Do you not speak English?" He asked softly.

The girl's frown just deepened.

John swallowed before shrugging his shirt off and bashfully handing it to the girl.

She took it and John was slightly mortified when she sniffed it.

" No, you're. You're not supposed to do that." He crept closer, gently taking the fabric out of her hands and placing it over his shoulders before buttoning it up.

All the while, the girl watched him with large, curious brown eyes.

"Say miss," John said once the girl was at least partially covered. "Do you want to come home with me?"

The girl tilted her head again. "Home...?"

John gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, home."

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