Stoner [Thaurens]

416 21 6

Inspired by freemooches on Tumblr.


"Hey, pass the blunt." John said.

Thomas shot him a glare before handing it over.

John took a deep inhale, relaxing as the smoke filled his lungs. He exhaled and gave the blunt back to Thomas.

"God I needed this." He muttered, sighing as his mind slowly started to relax.

Thomas snorted, but made no comment.

"Say Jefferson," John said slowly. "We should shotgun."

Thomas quirked a brow. "That lonely with Hamilton, Laurens?" He drawled with a small smirk.

John rolled his eyes. "We only got one blunt right now. Easier this way."

Thomas shrugged before grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward. Without warning, he placed his mouth on John's and breathed the smoke into his mouth. John accepted it gladly.

They pulled away and John breathed out the smoke. Without waiting for Thomas to breathe in more smoke from the blunt, he kissed him again.

Thomas gasped softly, before kissing back furiously. They grappled at each other's clothes, both high out of their minds.

John pushed Thomas down to the ground, climbing on top of him. Thomas clutched his neck, relaxing against his warm body.

"Hey John-" The door opened without warning and Alexander blinked at the scene before him.

John hopped off Thomas with a startled expression.

"A-Alex!" He stammered, flushing with both shame and embarrassment.

Alexander continued to stare before slowly closing the door. John sat there in shock as he listened to Alexander's retreating steps.

"Oh shit." He groaned.

Thomas stared at him for a moment, before getting up.

"See around Laurens." He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

He left John sitting there, wondering how the hell he was going to explain this to Alexander.

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