Asked Out [Lams]

416 22 2

Requested by: JohnLaurensRoleplay


John was minding his own business, working on his art project when Alexander asked him.

The two were at the library, Alexander studying for a history test while John sketched.

"Hey John," Alexander said.

John looked up from his sketch book. "What's up?"

Alexander smiled, but it looked nervous to John. Which was kind of confusing because Alexander was almost never nervous.

"Wanna go out with me?" Alexander asked.

John blinked. "Like, to grab some food?" He asked dumbly because there was no way Alexander Hamilton was asking him out on a date.

Alexander made a frustrated noise and waved his arms a bit. "No I mean a, a date date." John was shocked to see a flush spreading across his friend's cheeks. "Like, a-as a couple..."

Alexander looked to the side, face burning red hot.

John meanwhile gaped, his mind drawing a blank. What should he say? He'd been crushing on Alexander for like ten years now and he asks him out just like that? How the hell was he supposed to react?

"It's fine if you don't want to..." Alexander mumbled and crap! Did John just accidently reject him?

"I uh, um I-I-" He stammered, mouth moving and random sounds coming out.

Finally, after what seemed like endless blabbering on John's part, he managed to stammer out an coherent phrase.

"This isn't like a... a prank or dare or anything?"

Alexander head whipped to him, his eyes wide with shock.

"What? No, of course not!" He cried. "I'm uh, I'm being serious..."

John blushed, before smiling. "T-Then yeah, I'd lov- like to go out with you."

Alexander grinned. "Awesome! Dinner tonight sounds good?"

John nodded, feeling happier then he'd ever felt before.

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