YouTuber [Lams]

594 31 7

Requested by: potatoisbest5


"That's all for today folks. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video." Alexander gave his signature grin and wave, before turning the camera off.

"You all done Alex?" John asked, peeking his head in through the door.

"Yup!" Alexander chirped, before standing and walking over to his boyfriend. He leaned up slightly and kissed him.

"Mmm... We should do another collab soon." John muttered against his lips. "You know the fans love it when I'm there."

Alexander smirked and bopped his nose. "They like me better though."

John snorted. "The first video we made together got ten million views. It's your most popular one."

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Whatever Jackie."

"I told you not to call me that!"

Alexander shrugged. "It's cute."

John flushed and scowled. "Can I call you Lexi then?"

"Of course not- wait."


"We should do a video, just a normal one or something and only call each other nicknames we hate." He smirked. "Whoever snaps first loses and has to do what the other says for a week. And! They bottom during sex for a month."

John stared at him before smirking as well. "You're on."

(As it turns out, John had a surprisingly large amount of control. Alexander didn't mind losing though. The things his boyfriend came up with...)

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