Confession [Hamburr]

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Alexander had done it. He'd just sent out an email to his closest friends and family to meet up with him in a week so he could tell them something.

Anxiety twisted in his stomach but he ignored it, instead opting to standing and leaving his computer. He walked over to his bedroom and walked in, careful to keep quiet since Aaron was probably already asleep.

He snuck into bed, wrapping his arms around Aaron and sighing contently. Aaron gave a little grunt, before turning slightly and staring at Alexander with hazy eyes.

"'Bout time you came to bed..." He slurred, before curling up in Alexander's arms and quickly falling back asleep. Alexander felt affection rise in his chest, feeling ready to burst of joy and love for this beautiful man in his arms.

Instead of screaming out his undying love however, Alexander settled with just kissing Aaron softly on the forehead before falling asleep as well.


A week flew by in no time and before he knew it, it was time to head to George's house and confess to everyone.

"Alexander are you alright?" Aaron asked, squeezing his hand. That was right. Aaron thought this was just a regular dinner.

"Yeah I just, well I kinda decided to tell everyone tonight."

Aaron's face showed surprise, but nothing further than that. Instead, he squeezed his hand again and smiled comfortingly.

"It'll be fine Alexander. If anything, I should be nervous. This is your whole family we're talking about. It'd be pretty terrible if they all hated m-"

Before he could finish, Alexander pulled him into a kiss. "They'll love you." He said quietly, pecking his lips again.

Aaron smiled, before pulling away. "We should get going now."

Alexander nodded and they headed out.


"Alexander! It's been ages man!"

"John, it's been four days." Alexander said dryly. John laughed.

"That's way too long bud."

Alexander rolled his eyes but smiled. He glanced over at Aaron who was chatting with Angelica and they seemed to be hitting it off. That was good at least.

"Uh guys?" Alexander said loudly. "I uh, wanna tell you all something."

Everyone turned to face him and swallowing nervously, Alexander walked over to Aaron and laced their fingers together.

"I'm dating Aaron."


"I FUCKING KNEW IT! HERC GET OVER HERE WITH MY TWENTY BUCKS!" John screamed, basically launching himself at the bulkier man.

"Congratulations Alexander." Angelica said.

"Yeah!" Peggy chimed in. "Tell me, is Aaron amazing in bed?"

Both their faces turned bright red.


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