His Everything [Kingbury]

420 26 7

"Georgie!" Samuel called, smiling when he heard his lover's footsteps cone up the stairs.

"Yes, baby?" George asked, entering the bathroom.

"I wanna take a bath." Samuel said.

George smiled and walked over. "You want me to wash you?"

Samuel nodded, blinking his eyes innocently.

George gave him another kind smile before crouching and taking Samuel's socks off. He then worked on his belt, removing it.

"Raise your arms." George ordered softly. Samuel did as told and George took his shirt off.

He then gently nudged Samuel to his feet and removed his pants and underwear. He then started filling the bath with warm water.

Once the water was ready, he picked Samuel and put him in the water and grabbed a wash cloth. Every time Samuel wanted a bath they would do this. In fact, Samuel relied on George for most things. His boyfriend chose his outfits, he hand-fed him, and helped him bath.

While it might be weird to others, they both adored it. Samuel liked to be taken care of, and George liked to take care of people.

It was different, and it took months of communication, but what they had now was perfect. They wouldn't trade it for anything else.

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