Beautiful [Jeffmads]

519 27 6

Requested by: alive_and_fighting


"She's beautiful. I hope she makes you happy." Thomas said, a few tears slipping by before he could stop them.

James let out a dreamy sigh. "She really does Thommy." He said, sounding as love struck as he probably looked.

Thomas took a deep breath. "Go ahead then. If you really love her, propose to her."

There was silence on the other side of the phone, before some rustling.

"Okay," James said, sounding breathless and nervous. "Okay, I will. Tonight. After dinner, we'll go for a walk along the water and I'll propose."

Thomas smiled, ignoring the harsh ache in his chest. "Good luck Jemmy. I believe in you."

"I'll text you after, alright?"

Thomas nodded, before remembering that James couldn't see him. "Right, go get her James."

He heard a soft laugh before James hung up. The second the line went dead, Thomas threw the phone and collapsed on his bed, trying to control his crying.

He whimpered and sobbing, gasping for breath whenever his lungs started to burn. His mind swirled with thoughts of James' smile, his eyes, his adorable kitten coughs and just... of James. James as a person, a friend.

"Just a friend..." Thomas muttered bitterly. "Only ever... only ever a friend."

He took a deep breath before glancing at the clock. It was only six o'clock, not late enough to be sleeping, but he was just so exhausted. He turned off his light and fell asleep without even bothering to change into sleep clothes.

The next day, he woke up to a text.

Jemmy <3
She said yes!!

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