Election [Wilkinburr]

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"Dammit!" Burr screamed, shoving all the papers on his desk to the ground. "How could he." He growled, slamming his fist down on the now clear desk.

Wilkinson watched from his seat in the small office looking far too amused.

"Calm down Vice President Burr." He said and Burr growled.

"I suggest you stop mocking me, Mr. Wilkinson." He spat.

"Mocking you? Me? I think not." Wilkinson stretched, a lazy smirked decorating his face. "You ask how could Hamilton endorse Jefferson? Perhaps he just hates you. You read what he wrote, did you not?"

Burr glared at him, teeth baring in a snarl.

Wilkinson walked over until he was staring down at the shorter male. "A man with no opinions." He mocked. "Jefferson has opinions, Burr has none. That's what he said, correct? He hates you so much he'd rather see his worst enemy as President instead of you." He grinned at Burr's infuriated expression. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

"I suggest you learn your place, Mr. Wilkinson," Burr said, eyes cold. "I may not be President, but I am the Vice President. I would suggest you pay your superiors respect."

Wilkinson merely stared.

Burr looked him straight in the eye. "On your knees." He ordered.

Wilkinson sank to his knees without protested, a smirk on his lips as he removed the Vice President's belt.

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