Punishment [Jeffmadsburr]

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Requested by: ultimatetrrash

Warning: Slightly NSFW


Aaron squirmed, pushing against the silk wrapped tightly around his wrists, preventing any movement. His boyfriends, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison stood on either side, looking down at him.

Thomas placed a warm hand on his face. "Do you know why you're being punished?" He asked, gently stroking his face.

Aaron didn't say a thing, only blinked and stared. Thomas frowned, removing his hand, tsking.

"You're still being naughty." He said, sounding disappointed. He glanced at James, who nodded. Aaron let out a squeak when he was suddenly flipped. His eyes widened when his ankles were swiftly tied together. He squirmed, hoping to get away somehow, but he was held down by two large hands.

"None of that." Thomas scolded, pushing him down even more.

"W-What are you-" He let out a loud yelp when something firm hit his bottom. He squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking his eyes. He didn't like the paddle, no he hated it.

Another hit, another yelp. After ten hits, tears began to spill from his eyes. Whimpers escaped his mouth. His ass was starting to hurt and he had no doubt that it was red. 

"N-No m-more!" He whimpered, squirming fuitlessly.

"Shhh," Thomas murmured. "Just two more."

Aaron whimpered again, straining his neck to see his boyfriend. He let out a whimper mixed with a sob at the next hit and choked out a whine of relief at the very last one. Strong hands untied his ankles and then moved to his wrists. He was turned over, gentle hands rubbing his sore body. Tears fell down his cheeks, his eyes wide and innocent. James cooed softly, messaging his wrists.

"It's okay baby. You were so good with your punishment." James smiled, nibbling softly at Aaron's lips.

"Now it's time for your reward."

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