Unbreakable Bond [Jeffmads]

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James watched with a small scowl on his face as Hamilton and Thomas argued with another. He and the rest of the class were all sighing and rolling their eyes. This happened every time a controversial topic came up and everyone was starting to get sick of it.

"Thomas, Hamilton can you please stop?" James asked, wanting to just go back to his seat and listen to the rest of his lecture.

"There's no point James." Aaron Burr said. "The two are way too into it now. Neither of them are going to want to back out."

Hercules, who had his arm around Aaron, nodded. "Yup. You know how stubborn those two are."

James sighed and stared at the two worriedly. "I know, I just hate seeing Thomas hurt."

"I get that, but nothing we can do about it now," Hercules said, smiling down at his small boyfriend. Aaron smiled back and gave him a quick peck. "We're gonna leave now, no point staying and class is over in five minutes."

Aaron smiled. "See you later James." He said before leaving hand in hand with his boyfriend.

James sighed again, before sitting down and waiting for the inevitable fight to break out.


"Can I stop being your boyfriend?" James whined as he cleaned Thomas up.

"Nope!" Thomas said cheerfully. "It's too late. We have an unbreakable bond."

James rolled his eyes and took slight satisfaction when Thomas yelped as he placed disinfectant on his cuts.

"Not so rough Jemmy!" He whined.

"It's your own fault for getting into a fight." James scolded.

"Not my fault Hamilton is such a little shit."

James gave him an unimpressed look before going back to tending Thomas' cuts.

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