Pride [Poly Hamilton]

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It's the last chapter and honestly, I can't believe it. Thank you all so much for reading and coming along for the ride that this book was! I'm thankful for every vote and comment. It kept this book going and encouraged me to write more. There will be a Hamilton Prompts II, but it'll most likely be out around September.

Thanks for reading! <3


"You ready to go Aaron?" John asked, peeking into the room where Aaron was.

"Yeah." Aaron said, walking out with his pale blue, pink and white shirt. John grinned at him and kissed him sweetly.

"You looked lovely." He murmured. "You've got your binder on?"

Aaron nodded and kissed his cheek. "Yup!" He smiled. "You want me to paint the pride flag on your cheeks?"

"That would be awesome."

They walked over to the bathroom and shuffled in where Lafayette was doing his hair and makeup.

"Hello." He said in greeting when he spotted his two boyfriends. Aaron smiled a bit shyly while John gave him a grin and wave.

Aaron walked over and took out his face paint and started to carefully draw the lines of the pride flag into his boyfriend's face.

"Everyone ready to go?" Hercules asked, peeking his head in the door. "Alex is practically vibrating with anticipation."

"Almost." Aaron said softly, smiling when he realized the flags looked perfect. "Okay, all done John."

"Thanks love." He said. He looked in the mirror and grin. "Sweet."

All four of them went downstairs where Alexander was waiting, decked out in all the colors of the bisexual flag as well as the pride flag.

"Finally!" He groaned when he saw them all. "Took you long enough."

Hercules rolled his eyes. "You're just inpatient."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go!" Alexander said, grabbing his boyfriends hands and dragging them out the door.

The drive to the Pride Parade was short and Aaron was in awe as soon as he saw all the people that crowded the streets.

His eyes practically sparkled when he saw the people wearing the same colors he was. He smiled and grabbed Hercules' hand.

Hercules smiled and kissed him on the head. "You good?"

Aaron nodded and tucked his head into his boyfriend's neck.

"Yeah," he murmured. "I'm just really happy that there are other people like me."

Alexander smiled. "You're not alone Aaron. You never have been and never will be."

Aaron refused to admit that tears had built in his eyes.

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