Spider [Poly Hamilton]

729 42 18

I have so many requests why did I write this-


Aaron flinched when he heard a loud scream followed by two others from downstairs.

He scrambled out of his seat, stumbling and hitting his wrist on the corner of his desk painfully before rushing downstairs to where his boyfriends were.

"Is everything alright?" He said, bursting into the kitchen. He froze and blinked when he saw the scene before him.

John was cowering on the counter, waving a spoon around while Alexander was scrambling up Hercules' shoulders like a monkey. Hercules himself was hiding behind the fridge door while Lafayette was shrieking and trying to climb the fucking wall.

"What's going on?" Aaron asked, thoroughly confused.

"There's a spider!" John shrieked, curling up more.

Aaron blinked. "Where?"

Alexander, who was still cowering behind Hercules, pointed a shaky finger to where the fruit bowl was. He walked over.

"Aaron!" Lafayette said. "Don't get close, it's dangerous."

Aaron gave him an unimpressed look before looking down for the spider. He noticed it pretty quickly and he snatched it by one of its legs.

"Aaron!" Alexander shrieked, sounding near hysterics. "Why would you do that?"

Aaron rolled his eyes before walking over to the window and placed the spider outside.

"There, all done-" He stumbled back a bit when four bodies suddenly slammed into him.

"Are you alright?" John demanded, cradling his face.

"It didn't hurt you did it?" Hercules asked, looking him over while Alexander squeezed him tightly and Lafayette peppered his face with kisses.

"Guys I'm fine." Aaron insisted. "It was just a spider."

He shrieked when Lafayette's cold hand went up his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asked, face bright red.

Lafayette gave him a grin and pecked his lips. "Searching for bites." He said before putting his head under Aaron's shirt and kissing and licking all the skin he could reach.

"L-Laf..."Aaron stammered, gasping quietly when Lafayette's teeth grazed one of his nipples.

He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. A mistake on his part.

When he felt a hand on his groin and lips on his neck, he shuddered and cracked an eye open.

" You planned this didn't you?" He said.

All he got in response were four shit-eating grins.

(He got more bites from his boyfriends in that hour then he'd ever gotten from spiders in his whole life)

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