Protect You [Burrington]

430 20 5

Aaron rushed down the streets, pursing his lips when he saw how close the gang was. He clutched the intel closer and picked up his speed.

He turned a corner and skidded to a stop when he came face to face with more gang members.

"Hand over the intel." One of the men commanded.

Aaron bared his teeth. "Not a chance." He snarled and reached for his gun, but before he could take a single shot, each gang member collapsed to the ground, red seeping through their dark clothing.

Aaron scowled and turned on his heel, glowering at his lover.

"George!" He snapped. "I thought I was doing this alone!"

"I was just looking out for you." George said.

Aaron's eyes narrowed. "I can take care of myself." He said. "I don't need you protecting me."

"I will protect you, whether you like it or not." George said. Aaron crossed his arms and walked past George with a scowl and huff.

"Babe..." George said following him. "You know I know you can take care of yourself."

"Then why don't you let me? Or trust me for that matter?" Aaron snapped. 

George sighed and wrapped his arms around his small boyfriend's waist.

"I do trust you. I'm just protective. You know that." He murmured, kissing Aaron's neck softly.

Aaron relaxed into the hold and ignored the men carrying the corpses away. "I know... but I wish you'd let me take care of myself more."

"I'll try baby," George said. "But no promises."

Aaron smiled. "I guess I'll accept that."

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