Fight [Washington Family]

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"What the HELL happened to my laptop!" Alexander screamed, staring at the broken mess sitting on the floor.

Lafayette poked his head and peered at the broken laptop with wide eyes. "Oh mon dieu!" He gasped. "Alexandre! I am SO sorry I did not know I had knocked it over!"

"What the FUCK were you doing that made you to break my laptop, which was sitting on the table for god's sake!" Alexander yelled, face beginning to flush with anger.

Lafayette frowned. "It was an accident Alexander." He said, voicing quieting a bit when he noticed that Alexander only became angrier.

"I don't fucking care if it was an accident!" He shouted. "Laptops are fucking expensive and all of my work was saved on that! Because of your clutziness, it's all GONE!"

Lafayete cowered in the doorway a bit. His elder brother had never been this angry before.

"What's going on?" George asked, walking into the living room to see what the commotion was about.

"Lafayette broke my laptop!" Alexander said, glaring at his younger brother.

"It was an accident Papa!" Lafayette cried, close to tears. "I did not mean t-to!" Now tears were falling down the Frenchman's cheeks.

"Oh shut it crybaby!" Alexander snapped.

Lafayette's eyes widened and with a sob, he turned and ran away.

"Alexander," George said sternly. "I am sure it was an accident. And we can always buy you a new one. As long as the hard drive is fine, all your work should be saved. A broken laptop is no excuse for making your brother cry."

Alexander hung his head with guilt. "I'm sorry dad."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." George said. He sighed. He was too old for this. "Go find your brother and apologize."

Alexander nodded and ran after Lafayette.

He found his brother curled up on his bed crying into his blanket.

"L-Lafayette...?" He asked softly. Guilt coursed through him when Lafayette tensed and curled up more. With soft eyes, he sat on the bed near Lafayette and placed a hand on his shaking shoulder. He leaned down and laid with him.

"I'm sorry." He finally said quietly. Lafayette's sniffling stopped. "I shouldn't have gotten so angry. A laptop is nothing compared to my beloved brother."

Lafayette lifted his head and stared with wide, tear filled eyes. "Do you truly mean it?" He asked quietly.

Alexander smiled and snuggled close to his brother.

"Of course."

Lafayette smiled and snuggled back.

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