Dinner [Lauretteburr]

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Aaron sighed as he attempted to tie his tie. Honestly, why were the damn things so hard to tie properly?

"Having trouble again Aaron?" His boyfriend asked teasingly.

"Oh shut it," Aaron grumbled before sighing in defeat. "Please help?"

"Since you've asked so nicely," John said, before walking over and quickly tying the tie.

"There." He purred. "Don't you look handsome."

Aaron rolled his eyes before grabbing his boyfriend's hand. "Let's go see if Laf's done. You know Eliza will murder us if we're late again."

"Hey," John said, squeezing his hand. "It was totally worth it."

Aaron flushed at the memory and shot John a glare.

"Laf," John said, knocking lightly on the bathroom door. "You ready to go?"

The door flung open, revealing Lafayette in all his 6'2 glory. Aaron internally scowled at his height.

Lafayette's lipstick covered lips went up in a smile. "Yes," he said, sounding quite pleased. "All good to go."

Aaron shifted a bit when his other boyfriend's eyes shamelessly observed him, hunger and lust all too apparent.

"Don't you look lovely," Lafayette muttered, taking a step closer.

"No," Aaron said, putting a hand on Lafayette's chest to stop him. "We can't be late. Not again."

Lafayette pouted. "You're no fun." He whined.

John rolled his eyes. "Let's just go."


By the time they arrived at the restaurant., Aaron was completely flustered. The whole damn time both his boyfriends couldn't seem to keep their hands to themselves!

"You two are menaces." He grumbled as he walked into the restaurant.

"You love us." John teased, pressing into him.

"God knows why..."

Lafayette giggled and pecked his cheek.

Thankfully, they weren't scolded by Theodosia and Eliza for being late. Dinner went by swiftly, and Lafayette and John managed to keep their hands to themselves (for once).

However, the minute they bid goodbye to Theodosia and Eliza, Aaron was shoved against the car.

"L-Laf-" He stammered, but he was quickly muffled by John's lips. He moaned quickly into his boyfriend's mouth and whimpered slightly when a pair of hands grabbed his ass and lifted him up.

"G-Guys..." He groaned when Lafayette started to suck his neck. "N-Not in, ah! p-public..."

"You have no idea how hot you look tonight," John whispered, teeth tugging his ear.

Aaron whimpered again swallowing harshly when John bit down on his ear.

"John, perhaps we should continue this when people can't see our darling like this," Lafayette said, eyeing the group of people that had gathered.

John pulled away and huffed. He looked at Aaron's flushed face.

"Fine." He said, pecking Aaron's cheek. He smirked. "We'll continue this at home."

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