Burn [Hamburr]

615 30 19

Requested by: Lovely_Whore


Aaron couldn't stop crying. The pamphlet lay in his lap, his hands trembling too violently to hold anything.

The Reynolds Pamphlet.

A sob escaped his mouth before he could stop it. How could he do this? How could he publish something like this!


Aaron tensed at the sound of his husband's voice. He turned his head and saw his husband standing in the doorway hesitantly. He took a step forward with his hand outstretched but froze when Aaron flinched.

"Don't take another step in my direction." He growled.

Alexander stared at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Aaron I-"

"I can't be trusted around you," Aaron whispered, tears flowing freely down his cheeks. He turned to the fireplace and picked up the box filled with the precious letters that they had shared during the war.

"Aaron please, listen to me I just-"

"Don't think you can talk your way into my arms!" Aaron yelled suddenly. "You've lost that. You've destroyed that privilege. I don't even know who you are anymore." A bitter laugh escaped his lips. "I have so much to learn, don't I?" He took the first letter out of the box, examining it.

"Aaron, what are you doing?"

Aaron didn't reply, instead stared at the words written on the letter. My Dearest, Aaron. Those words stood boldly on the page, mocking him. Without any hesitation, he flung the letter into the fire.

"Do you know what my sister said when she learned what you'd done?" Aaron asked, pulling out a second letter. "She told to me: You have married an Icarus, he's flown too close to the sun." He was silent, before whispering,

"She was right."

"I only wanted to clear my name!" Alexander cried.

"Heaven forbid someone whispers you're part of some scheme! When your enemies whisper, why must you scream? You've ruined our lives with this pamphlet!" Aaron screamed. He grabbed the pamphlet and flung it at his husband. Ugly sobs escaped him and he nearly collapsed.

"I'm erasing myself from the narrative. When historians speak of you, let them guess how your husband reacted when you broke his heart! You've thrown it all away," he turned, "Stand back and watch it burn."

He kept a firm grip on the box, grabbing more letters, throwing them all in the fire. He ignored Alexander's anguished cries, flung himself away from the warm arms that his husband tried to hold him back with.

"When will you learn?" He said, wiping his eyes, trying to get rid of the tears. "When will you learn that we are your legacy?" He watched as the once precious letters burned to ash. "Not just your actions. Your family, your children!" He turned to Alexander. "When the time comes, you explain what you've done. You tell them all about the pain, the anguish, the heartbreak you've put their father through."

"Aaron please," Alexander begged, taking a step forward, trying to grab his hand.

Aaron slapped it away.

He looked up with rage-filled eyes.

"If you thought you were mine, don't."

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