Breathe [Lams]

417 28 4

John was thrown into a panic attack after he thought he saw his father while he and Alexander were grocery shopping.

"John, what else do we need on the list?" Alexander asked, peeking over his boyfriend's shoulder.

John looked down. "Just some fruit." He said. He looked back up and froze when he saw a familiar face in the crowd by the cashiers. His breath suddenly escaped him and his throat started to close.

He heard Alexander say something, but he couldn't make out the words. He blinked and when he looked back to where he thought he saw his father, there was no one.

Panic started to overtake him. Where did his father go? Was he here to take John away again? As memories started to come back, John could tell he was slipping further and further away from reality.

He let out a strangled gasp when he felt something warm grab his hand. His hand was pressed against a soft, warm surface that went up and down.

"Breathe, just breathe and look at me, I'm here, all is well, I'm close." John heard someone murmur in his ear. He tried desperately to follow the instructions, just wanting his lungs to work properly again.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, John's vision cleared and he could make out Alexander's beautiful face. As his senses returned more clearly, he could hear that Alexander was softly counting in time with his breathing.

When he noticed that John was no longer hyperventilating, he looked up with a small smile.

"You back with love?" He asked, gently caressing John's face.

John nodded and hugged Alexander close, burying his face in his neck.

"Sorry." He said quietly. "Thought I s-saw pops."

Alexander kissed his cheek. "Let's go home, okay babe? We can buy fruit later."

John nodded, still clinging to Alexander.

They went home and spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch.

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