Tango [Burrens]

835 36 16

John didn't know how to dance. And that was problem. There was a really cute girl in his class that could tango and well, John wants to ask her out. But he didn't know how to tango, so he wanted to learn to impress her.

He stared at the dancing studio with a mix of embarrassment and hope. Taking in a deep breath, he walked in. He was shocked to see a long line of girls, all lining up at the reception desk.

He pushed his way through the crazy crowd of people. "Excuse me!" He called.

A lady turned to him and smiled. "How may I help you?"

"Uh," John's face flushed with embarrassment. "I requested a session to learn tango...?"

The lady smiled, amusement making her eyes crinkle. "Mr Laurens correct?"

John nodded.

"Your instructor is in studio nineteen." She said. John smiled.

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

The lady laughed. "It's my job sir. And one more thing,"


"I'd recommend not mentioning to anyone you've got a lesson in studio nineteen." At John's confused expression she continued. "The instructor is um, requested quite a bit." She winked. "Especially with the young ladies."

John's face flushed a bit and he nodded awkwardly before leaving. He found studio nineteen and walked in nervously.

His eyes widened when he saw a stupidly attractive man sitting beside a stereo. John's bisexual ass was jumping for joy right now.

"Uh." He said intelligently. The man looked up and damn he had nice eyes. The man smiled and John melted.

"Hello." He said. Why was everything about this man smooth and silky and gorgeous? The universe must really hate him.

"John Laurens correct?" The man said and John nodded mutely, still speechless. He now understood why so many young ladies wanted classes with him. He was stupidly beautiful.

The girl from his class was instantly forgotten, now replaced with the glorious sight of his instructor in a sinfully tight tank top and leggings. John swallowed, feeling far too thirsty.

"T-Tango?" He stammered out. The instructor stared at him, before laughing.

"Yes, I'm your tango instructor. My name is Aaron Burr."

"N-Nice to meet you. Let's get started...?"


John ended up going back to the dance studio and after just ten lessons he had the tango down, but he went anyways just to see Aaron.

But after the fifteenth lesson, Aaron found him out and well, John kinda confessed to him.

Three years later, they're now happily married and have a daughter.

John never did ask that girl out.

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