Forgiveness [Hamliza]

395 27 2

"I forgive you." Eliza whispered.

Alexander's eyes widened and he whirled his head to his wife. "W-What?" He whispered, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

Eliza's lip trembled and she turned to looked at him. He nearly sobbed when she gave him a watery smile. "I forgive you Alexander."

Alexander fell to his knees, openly crying now. Sobs and wails escaped his mouth. He was overjoyed, but he knew he didn't deserve this forgiveness. He destroyed everything. He destroyed everything he touched.

"Betsey." He sobbed, clutching her hand, pressing soft kisses into it. Eliza watched it all, tears falling still, but a sense of calm enveloped her.

"I love you Alexander." She said softly before pulling him to his feet. She stared into his wide, teary eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

She pulled away and cradled his face, smiling lovingly at him.

"I don't- I don't deserve this. You deserve so much better than me." He said, soft hiccups leaving his lips.

"Maybe." Eliza admitted. "But I want you."

Alexander couldn't stop crying. Eliza held his hand and squeezed it.

"Let's go. The children are waiting."

Alexander nodded and they walked to their children hand-in-hand.

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