Damaged [Hamburr]

570 27 49

Requested by: Damaged_Kate


Aaron scrambled down from the noose, throwing the rope to the ground.

"Aaron!" His sister sobbed. "You're alright!"

She tried to hug him, but he pushed her away.

"I have to go." He said, grabbing his bag and heading for his window.

"Aaron, wait!" His sister cried. "What's going on?"

"I can't explain now." Aaron tore his wrist out of his sister's grip. "I love you. I'll see you later."


He ignored her and quickly scrambled down the ladder Alexander had left behind. He raced down the road, ignoring his sister's yells and headed for school. If he couldn't get there, everyone would die!

He burst into the school gym.

"Aaron." Adams greeted. "Wasn't expecting you hear."

"Where's Alexander." He demanded.

Adams snorted. "Hell if I know."

"I saw him leave for the school basement." Madison piped up.

Aaron felt dread settle in his stomach. He gave him a tiny nod and rushed downstairs. He took the gun out of his backpack as he did and loaded it with trembling hands. He crept downstairs, tensing when he heard noises from the boiler.

"Alexander." He said, grateful his voice stayed steady. Alexander froze from the spot he was crouched over. From his spot, Aaron could see a small grin form.

"Aaron. You're alive."

"Put the bomb away Alex." Aaron said.

Alexander sighed and stood up. He turned and faced Aaron, an almost crazy grin on his face. "Or what?" He taunted. His eyes flickered to the gun. "You won't shoot me. You're too sweet for that."

Aaron trembled, his hands shaking around the trigger. "Please step away Alexander. I don't want to hurt you."

Alexander's face darkened. "Don't want to hurt me?" He laughed. "You already have. You're the one who broke up with me!"

He snatched the bomb and Aaron pulled the trigger with a small sob.

Alexander dropped the bomb with a grunt, his hand flying to his shoulder. Blood seeped through his fingers and the gun fell to the ground with a clatter. The two stared at each other in shock, before Aaron scrambled forward to the bomb.

"Hey!" Alexander shouted when Aaron snatched the bomb and ran out of the basement. His eyes widened with horror and he felt adrenaline pump through him when he realized the bomb was already activated.


"Not now James." He snapped, dodging the man. James looked startled and Aaron felt mild panic when he saw Alexander stumbled forward, clutching his shoulder.

He picked up speed, time was starting to run out. He burst outside, looking around for a place he could go. He had to get the bomb away from the school. It was fine if he was the only causality. He deserved it.


Aaron turned and stumbled back when he realized how close Alexander was.

"Give me the bomb Aaron." He pleaded. Aaron shook his head, clutching the bomb more tightly.


"Please. You don't deserve to die." He said softly.

"I've... I've killed people." Aaron said.

"None of that was your fault!" Alexander shouted. "I-I tricked you. It was me."

"It was both of us." Aaron whispered. A couple of tears fell from his eyes.

"I am damaged." Alexander said. "So, so very damaged. But you... you are not beyond repair."

"Alexander..." Aaron didn't fight when Alexander took the bomb.

"Just... just stand back now." Aaron watched, tears flowing from his face as his boyfriend, his lover, backed away onto the field, a ticking bomb in his hand.

"Alexander wait," he cried, horror flooding his voice.

"Our love is God." He whispered.


"Our love is God."

Aaron sobbed, falling to his knees. He looked up, seeing Alexander give him a shaky smile. He could see that time was almost out.

"Say hi to God."


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