Letter [Lams]

753 44 17

"Ma!" Alexander said, running up to her. She turned around and smiled at her young son.

"Yes Alexander? What is it?" She asked, crouching down beside the excited five year old.

"There's this pretty boy in my class!" He said, grinning widely.

"Is there now?"

"Uh huh! He plays with me and I really like him!!" The toddler was practically jumping up and down. His mother laughed and ruffled his hair.

"What's his name?"

"It's John! He's got lots of stars!"


"Uh huh!" Alexander said, looking quite serious. "He's got stars on his face!"

"Oh wow!"

Alexander nodded grinning widely. "He's very pretty."

"So I've heard." His mother said. "Have you told him what you think?"

Alexander looked shocked and shook his head wildly. "Nu uh!"

"Why don't you write him a letter?" She suggested. Alexander's eyes lit up and he jumped up and down.

"Good idea Ma! I'm gonna write it now!"

She laughed again, smiling softly at her son. "Go write him the best letter you can! I believe in you Alexander."

With that, Alexander ran out to grab paper.


"Ma! This is John!" Alexander said, holding the hand of another little boy tightly.

"Hello there." She said. The boy with lots of freckles smiled at her.

"Hello Mrs Hamilton." He greeted. "Can I have your blessing to marry your son?"

Alexander's face turned bright red while his mother looked on surprised, before smiling.

"Of course you can! I want lots of pictures though!"

John looked very happy while Alexander hid behind him in embarrassment.

Rachel laughed.

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