Attack [Poly Hamilton]

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Aaron walked down the street, not realizing that he had four stalkers who were ensuring that he got home safely.

He walked past an alleyway, only to freeze when someone grabbed his wrist. He turned around to see who it was, but before he could he was yanked into an alleyway.

He shrieked and tried to pull away, but he was instantly restrained and his mouth covered. He struggled against his attacker, who was behind him, so he couldn't see who it was.

He tried biting the hand on his mouth, but it didn't work.

"Hello Ronnie." His captor said and Aaron instantly froze, fear overtaking him. Paterson. A creep from college that Aaron's current partners had chased off. He tried desperately to break free, but Paterson was too strong.

"Stop moving you whore." Paterson growled. "I noticed that you have four boyfriends now." He sneered. "Not satisfied with just one huh? Slut."

"Get your disgusting hands off of him!"

Aaron turned his head and felt relief flash through him when he saw his boyfriend John appear.

Paterson sneered, tightening his grip on Aaron. "You're one of his boyfriends huh."

"You bet I am. Now let him go before someone gets hurt." John said, already in a fighting position.

Paterson growled and took a step back, forcing Aaron with him.

Meanwhile from the shadows, Hercules had to place an arm on Alexander to keep him from running up.

"Calm down Alex." He said quietly. "Once we get Aaron back home safe and sound, then you can kill that disgusting piece of trash."

Alexander was seething. "How are you so calm?!" He whisper yelled. "Did you hear what that son of a bitch called Aaron?" He stared Paterson, growling. "I'm going to chop him up into little pieces. No one, not even his family, will recognize him when I'm finished."

"Alexandre," Lafayette said quietly. "I am afraid that Hercules is right. We need to wait until Aaron is safely away, you don't want him to see you in that sort of state, do you?"

That got Alexander to calm down, but only a little bit. 

While they were talking, John had managed to beat Paterson up quite a bit, only stopping when Aaron told him to.

"You alright babe?" John asked, holding Aaron tight.

Aaron, who's face was hidden in John's chest, nodded. "Yeah." His voice was trembling and John tightened his hold on him.

"Don't worry love." He murmured. "You'll never have to worry about Paterson again. I'll make sure of it."


"Is he asleep?" Hercules asked once Lafayette had gently shut the bedroom door.

"Yes. He will not wake until morning."

John smirked. "Perfect. You guys ready to deal with that son of a bitch?"

Alexander, who was still seething, cracked his knuckles and nodded. "You bet the fuck I am."

"Don't be sloppy this time Alexander." Hercules said. "I know you're mad, but if you chop him up too badly it'll be a huge pain to clean up."

Alexander growled. "I ain't holding back this time Herc. We can just do it in an abandon building and then burn it."

Hercules sighed. "Fine. But leave some for us. You're not the only one who's angry."

"Sure, but only if you get to him first."

Hercules' eyes narrowed. "So we're doing a competitive hunt tonight."

"Yup. First person to catch him gets to call dibs."

Lafayette grinned. "Wonderful. I will not lose. You guys got all the fun last time."

"Well then you'd better get better at hunting Laf." John shot back.

"Oh I have."

"Let's go." Alexander snapped, impatient.

They all nodded and left the apartment. Adrenalin was pumping through all their veins. Tonight's hunt was sure to be fun.


"Looks like I get to call dibs." Hercules said, smirking.

"No fair!" Alexander whined. "You followed me! I found him first!"

Hercules chuckled. "All's fair during a hunt. You didn't even notice me. You're getting sloppy Alex."

Alexander crossed his arms and pouted. "Dammit. I was looking forward to chopping him up."

"You'll get to do that. But not before I've had my fun."

Alexander sighed. "Fiiiine."

Hercules glanced down at Paterson, who was struggling against the rope Hercules had tied him up with. He stared at the two with large, fearful eyes.

"You gonna wait for the others to catch up?" Alexander asked, sitting in a chair and pouting.

"Of course." Hercules replied, slowly setting up his tools on a nearby blanket. "Unlike you, I have patience."

Alexander stuck his tongue out.

John and Lafayette arrived minutes later, both annoyed that they didn't get to call dibs.

"I thought for sure I had him." Lafayette whined, sitting on the floor beside Alexander, pouting as well.

"Chill Laf, I'm not so mean that I won't let you have a piece of this fucker. " Hercules said. "I just get to start it off and Alexander can finish it."

"You're giving him the kill?" John said, surprised.

Hercules shrugged. "He'll get to play with the body to his heart's content. Now, do you guys want to hear him scream or not."

"Fuck yeah." They all said in unison.

Hercules smirked and ripped off the gag. "Perfect." He said happily. He reached down to the blanket and grabbed a dull knife. "Then let's get started."


"Morning." Aaron mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning!" His boyfriends replied.

"Coffee?" Hercules offered.

Aaron smiled at him, taking the cup. "Yes please. Thank you."

Hercules kissed his forehead. "You're welcome love."

Aaron yawned and sat down on the couch, snuggling with Lafayette.

"You guys all look happy. What happened?" He asked, glancing at his indeed grinning boyfriends.

"Nothing." Alexander replied. "We just dealt with a problem that's been bugging us for awhile now."

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