Death [Lams]

713 49 10


John turned around from his garden, surprised to see his father standing before him.

"Father?" He said, frowning with confusion. His father rarely visited him. He was very busy. "What is the matter?" He asked, taking note of the concerned look on his face.

"Alexander Hamilton" His father sighed heavily. "He has joined us."

John inhaled sharply. "But at this time, he should only be 49 years old. What happened?"

"A puncture of his eternal organs. He died one day later."

John gazed at his garden. "He must have done something foolish. I am certain."

"My son, you know why I have come to you."

"Yes father, I will be on my way in a moment."

His father nodded before disappearing. Once he was gone, John sighed before entering his home and dressing into his old soldiers uniform.


Alexander opened his eyes slowly, blinking and looking around. What... what had happened? Burr. The duel! Alexander's eyes widened. Wait. Was he dead?

He looked around, noticing that he wasn't anywhere. The area surrounding him was pure white. Is this what Heaven is supposed to look like? He thought with a frown.


Alexander froze when he heard a young boy call that. It couldn't be.

He turned and his eyes filled with tears when he saw his son, his wonderful son running to him with a large smile.

"Philip!" He sobbed, hugging his son as tightly as he could. "Philip, Philip."

Philip clung back, burying his face in Alexander's shoulder.


Alexander turned, but didn't release his son. He gasped when he saw who it was. "Mother..." He whispered.

With trembling hands, he reached doubt to her, a sob escaping him when his hand contacted her warm, pale skin.

"My son." She said, eyes shining with pride and unshed tears. Alexander cried out and hugged her, a mother's warmth and love filling him.

"Now now son," She whispered, stroking her hair like she did when he was younger. "People are waiting."

He pulled away from her, staring as Wahington appeared, smiling softly. Philip went to join him. His father appeared a second later, along with his half brother James. Soldiers appeared as well, all from Alexander's command. All men who had fought bravely.

He searched through their faces, still holding his mother's hand. He's not... he's not here.

"You're an idiot Alexander."


Alexander turned with teary eyes as he faced his lost lover. John gave him a teary smile.

"Hey Alex. Been awhile."

Alexander ran to him, wrapped his arms and clung tightly.

"I missed you so much John." He sobbed. John hugged back, a small smile on his face.

"I missed you too Alexander." He mumbled into his hair. They pulled away slightly, just enough to kiss.

John pulled away, stroking Alexander's tear stained cheek.

"Welcome to Heaven Alexander."

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