Bullies [Washington Family]

707 32 20

"Aw look! The fag's crying!" A boy sneered. Lafayette glared at him, tears slipping down his cheeks.

"What a weakling." Another scoffed.

"A disgrace to the Washington and Marquis families."

Lafayette's lips trembled and he looked down, trying to keep his tears at bay but they just wouldn't stop falling. Why couldn't he stop being such a crybaby?

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

Lafayette looked up, eyes widening when he saw his brother Alexander run over.

"Alex wait-" He said but it was too late, Alexander had already thrown the first punch. He watched with slight awe and horror as his foster brother fought off the bullies.

"You leave my brother alone jackasses!" Alexander yelled after the boys as they ran. Once they were out of sight, he turned to Lafayette.

"You alright Laf?" He asked, offering his hand.

Lafayette stared at him, before silently nodding and accepting his hand. Why couldn't he be more like his brother? Why couldn't he just stand up for himself? He hated that Alexander always had to protect him.

 Alexander smiled and ruffled his hair. "Try and stay out of trouble okay? And don't listen to what those morons have to say." He grinned. "You're way cooler and better than any of them. See you after school!"

With a wave and a wide grin, Alexander walked away to get to class.

Lafayette's hand drifted to his hair, absentmindedly fixing it. Maybe he couldn't defend himself. Maybe he did rely on Alexander for help. And so what of it? That's what big brothers were for.

Now wearing a bright smile, Lafayette went to class.

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