Eating Disorder [Poly Hamilton]

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It took them all a while to realize what had been going on. Since there were five of them, some things were easily overlooked. Especially during chaotic eating time.

But once they saw, it made them wonder how they'd never seen it before.

"Aaron, don't you want more food?" Hercules asked, frowning when he saw his small boyfriend pushing his food around on the plate, barely touching it.

"I'm not feeling the best." He said, giving him a small smile. "I'm not very hungry."

Hercules accepted the excuse and kissed his boyfriend on the head. "Okay, make sure you get plenty of rest, alright?"

Aaron nodded.


"Let's go get ice cream!" John said excitedly, tugging Lafayette's hand and basically dragging him to the vendor. The others followed, smiles on their faces.

As they ordered, Alexander noticed that Aaron was hanging back.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

Aaron nodded. "I'm pretty full from all the food we ate earlier."

Alexander frowned, but before he could say you didn't eat any food earlier, Aaron had already walked over to John.


"Guys, I'm worried," Alexander said.

John looked up from Lafayette's hair. "About what?"

Alexander pursed his lips. "I'm worried about Aaron. He's not eating a lot."

"I've noticed that too," Hercules said.

Lafayette sat up. "Do you think he has an eating disorder?"

"It's possible," John said, now fiddling with his own locks.

"You don't think he... you don't think he makes himself throw up, do you?" Lafayette asked with wide, concerned eyes.

"Anything's possible Laf," Hercules said softly.

"I think we should talk to him."


"Aaron?" Alexander called, toeing off his shoes. He frowned when he got no response and that look turned to one of horror when he heard someone retching. "Aaron?" He yelled again, scrambling up the stairs to the washroom.

He heard coughing and he banged on the closed door. "Babe, please open the door." He begged, fear coursing through him. The door opened revealing a tired looking Aaron.

Alexander's eyes softened and he pulled Aaron into a hug, kissing his forehead lightly. "Aaron, we're going to a doctor."


"How is he?" Lafayette asked anxiously.

"He's malnourished. I would suggest Prozac and Zyprexa." The doctor said. "The Prozac will help Mr. Burr with his depression, it says on his file that he was diagnosed a few years ago, and the Zyprexa will help with weight gain and obsessive thinking."

"Anything doc," John said.

The doctor gave them a sympathetic smile before telling them that they could visit their lover.

"Aaron..." Hercules said softly.

Aaron flinched and looked away, shifting on the medical bench uncomfortably.

"Let's go home, yeah?" John said. Aaron nodded and slipped down from the bench, stumbling a bit.

Lafayette caught him, barely managing to keep the gasp that wanted to escape down. He felt tears prick his eyes. His small lover was so light, so skinny.

Hercules squeezed Lafayette's hand when he saw he was close tears. They all walked to the car in silence. Aaron refused to meet any of their eyes and the others couldn't help but feel worried.

"We'll pick up your medication tomorrow, okay Aaron?" Alexander said softly.

Aaron pursed his lips, but nodded mutely.

"Aaron," John said softly. "We're not mad. Well, we're not mad at you. We've uh, we've been doing research on anorexia." Aaron flinched at the word but John continued on. "We know this is gonna be difficult, but we're gonna help you every way we can, alright?"

Aaron blinked, trying to keep the tears at bay, but he nodded again.

"We love you Aaron." Hercules said. "I know that sometimes you can't help but think we don't, but we really do. We don't care what your body looks like." He snuck a glance to the back, giving Aaron a warm smile. "We'll always love you."

Aaron's lip trembled, and then he burst into tears, unable to hold them back any longer.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Alexander pulled him into a tight hug, kissing his forehead, his face, anywhere he could reach. They stayed silent as their boyfriend sobbed, but the second they got home, they made sure to cuddle him all day.

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