Werewolf [Marliza]

329 21 4

Requested by: JohnLaurensRoleplay


Eliza sighed as she entered the school. Maria trotted after her, her ears perked up with excitement.

"Just stay hidden, alright?" Eliza said and Maria nodded,  bright grin on her face.

"Okay Eliza." She chipped.

Eliza rolled her eyes and walked to her classroom, head hunkered down.

When she entered the classroom, she was surprised that the other kids didn't glare at her. In fact, they hardly spared her a glance.

With a frown, she took her seat and prepared her class. She ignored how her bag squirmed when Maria peeked out, in her baby wolf form.

After school, Eliza rushed out as soon as the bell rang. Maria was swift to follow, tail twitching with worry.

"Eliza?" She started, but was interrupted.

"What did you do?" Eliza demanded with narrow eyes as she stared at Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas shrugged and looked away on obvious discomfort.

"I told 'em to leave you alone." He said, running a hand through his fluffy hair.

Eliza stared at him before scoffing slightly and turning to walk away. Maria sent him a thankful grin before rushing after Eliza.

"You okay Eliza?" She asked once she caught up.

"'M fine." She grumbled, ignoring how cute Maria looked with perked up ears and her stupid bright eyes. Maria smiled and Eliza scowled when her heart fluttered.

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