Speech [Hamburr]

605 28 7

Alexander sighed as he watched his professor talk. Honestly, the man didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Alexander knew for a fact that what he was blabbering about had nothing to so with Canadian politics.

He growled in frustration when the professor made yet another mistake about how Canadian politics worked.

"Oh my god, stop you idiot!" He finally shouted. He stood up and glowered at his teacher. "Will you stop calling the Prime Minister the President? It's wrong you fool! You're the fucking teacher! You should know this!"

The teacher looked offended and opened his mouth to speak, but another student beat him to it.

"How do you know he wasn't referring to the Prime Minister as President so it would be easier for his students?"

Alexander turned and blinked when he saw fellow student Aaron Burr frowning at him from his seat.

"Wait, um, can talk?" He blurted out without thinking. Aaron's face turned red and his frowned turned into a glare. Could you really blame Alexander for saying that? Burr almost never spoke up in class. Hell, Alexander was almost certain he'd never heard the man talk before.

"Of course I can talk!" Aaron snapped, looking quite embarrassed.

Alexander shrugged before smirking. "Well you never speak up in class, so it's hard to tell."

Aaron's glare turned into a scowl. He opened his mouth to speak, but the professor interrupted.

"That's enough boys." He said sternly. Both of them reluctantly backed down and listened to the lesson.

After that incident, Alexander made it his goal to rile Aaron up every class. It was fun to see the usually composed man go red with anger or embarrassment.

But Alexander's amusement of said embarrassment and anger didn't last long.

It happened in one lecture. Alexander went overboard. He couldn't help it! He got passionate easily.

When the insults started coming out, Alexander accidently outed Aaron to the whole class. The only reason he'd even known Aaron was gay was because he'd happened to overhear one of his conversations.

It was a total accident and Alexander totally deserved the punch that came after the class was over.

What concerned him though was the fact that for two weeks, Aaron didn't show up for class. Instead one of his friends would come in and set up a recorder and laptop, occasionally typing things out. It was clear they were basically attending class for Aaron.

Each time they came in, they would glare at Alexander until he felt like sinking low into his seat in guilt.

When the third week rolled around, Alexander had had enough and found out where Aaron's dorm was. Once he was free, he marched to the man's door and knocked loud.

Aaron opened the door, looking quite tired. His eyes widened when he saw Alexander and quickly tried to slam the door shut, but Alexander managed to stop him.

"Aaron I just want to talk." He pleaded, barely managing to keep the door open.

"Go away Alexander." Aaron grumbled

"I'm not leaving until we talk."

Aaron glared at him, before reluctantly letting him in.

The second the door was shut, Alexander started talking.

"I'm so sorry Aaron, I never meant to out you or anything like that it was a total accident please come back to class I'm so sorry."

Aaron blinked at the response before snorting. Alexander watched in shock as another snort escaped Aaron's mouth before the man collapsed in a fit of muffled and strained giggles.

"Alexander, I got over that a week after it happened." His eyes were shining with amusement and he was smiling. "I've just been sick the past week and a half."

Alexander gaped before turning bright red. "Oh my god." He whispered, covering his face with his hands. "Oh. My. God."

Aaron giggled again. Alexander looked up, face flushing. It was only then that he noticed just how attractive Aaron was and the thought crossed his mind.

Had he really come to check on Aaron just apologize?

He studied the man for a moment, noting his lovely cheekbones and jaw, his beautiful smile, his smooth, pretty brown skin, and his eyes. God, his eyes.

His eyes widened in realization.

Oh fuck.

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