Blushing [Burrdosia]

419 19 7

Requested by: Rayne110


"Hey baby."

Aaron flinched, startled from the noise, but looked up to smile at his wife.

"Hey Theo." He said, giving her a quick peck. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and put her head on his shoulder.

"Watcha reading?" She asked, kissing his cheek.

"Nothing." He said, flushing a bit and tucking the book away.

Theodosia quirked a brow. "Nothing, huh? You're sure about that?"

"Yes, Theo." Aaron said.

"Mmh." She walked around the couch and plopped down, cuddling close to him. "You can tell me darling."

"It's nothing!" He squeaked. He blushed bright red when Theodosia kissed his exposed neck.

"Tell me." She said.

"It's just a book Theo." Aaron said, looking away.

"Right." Theodosia smirked before sneaking the book away.

"Theo! Give it back!" Aaron cried, trying to get the book back but his wife was too tall.

She looked at the title and her eyes widened. "Fifty Shades of Grey?" She squealed. "Really?"

"My friend gave it to me!" Aaron said.


Aaron looked away, face burning bright red. "Maria."

Theodosia giggled before putting the book down. "That does sound like her."

Aaron shrugged, squeaking when his wife suddenly pulled him close.

"We could try some of that stuff, you know." She whispered.

Aaron didn't think his face could get any redder.

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