Memories [Poly Hamilton]

563 39 14

Requested by: PowerDream4You


Alexander groaned and blinked slowly, squinting his eyes when they were assaulted by bright white.

"Wha...?" He gurgled.


He turned his head and stared blankly at a young man with a shaves head who was looking at him with concerned eyes.

The man suddenly let out a cry and hugged him tightly. Alexander stiffened, eyes wide with shock and confusion.

"What- what's going on?" He stammered.

"T-there was a car crash a-and-" the man said, but he kept tripping over his words.

"W-who are you?" Alexander asked and he felt guilt settle in his stomach when he saw the man's face drop.

"Y-you don't... don't remember?" He asked.

Alexander slowly shook his head and pursed his lips when the man muffled a sob with his hand.

"Aaron? What's going on?" Three men walked in, each carrying some food.

A man with lots of freckles grinned as soon as his eyes lay on Alexander.

"Alex!" He said, rushing over to him. "You're awake!"

"I..." his mouth went dry when he saw how happy all three men looked.

"He doesn't remember." The first man, Aaron, whispered.

"Huh?" A man with stupidly large muscles said.

"He has amnesia." Aaron muttered.

A man with his hair in a bun blinked before looking at Alexander. "Do you remember anything Alexandre?" He asked, voice heavy with a French accent.

"J-just my name." Alexander answered.

"Well, we're your boyfriends Alexander." The man with the muscles said. "My name is Hercules, this Lafayette," he gestured to the man with the accent. "And this is John." He pointed to freckles. "And Aaron."

Alexander gave an awkward wave before setting his hand back down and looking at his lap.

"Aaron, could you go get the doctor?" John asked gently. Aaron nodded and quickly left the room.

Aaron returned a few moments later, doctor in tow. Alexander tried his best not to squirm as the doctor ran some tests.

"It seems Alexander has temporary amnesia. Thankfully, the hit to his head wasn't too severe, so it his memories should return within a few days." The doctor said.

"Is there anything we can do?" Hercules asked. The doctor shook his head.

"I'm afraid not." He said. "All you can do is wait for everything to return."

"Okay. Thank you." Hercules said. Alexander watched as Lafayette walked over to Aaron and held him close.

"No problem. Visiting hours are almost over, you've only got about twenty minutes left." The doctor said before taking his leave.

"See Aaron?" Lafayette murmured. "It's not that bad."

"I know." Aaron whispered. "It's just been a long week."

Lafayette kissed his forehead.

"We should probably get going." John said. "We'll come back tomorrow with some food, okay Alex?"

Alexander nodded. "Yeah, sure."

He couldn't stop the giddy feeling from bubbling up when all four men kissed him on the forehead or cheek before leaving.

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