Survivor [Burrington]

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George frowned when he heard shouting coming from the apartment below his. He set his book down, concern growing in him when the yelling increased in volume, swiftly followed by a loud cry.

George quickly scrambled to his feet and rushed downstairs. It took him no time to reach the apartment that was the source of the shouting.

George knocked loudly on the door.

"Everything alright in there?" He called, but it seemed that the two inside were yelling so loudly that they didn't hear him. He tried the doorknob and was surprised to see it was unlocked. The sight that greeted him when he swung the door open almost mad him see red.

There were two men in the middle of a living room and one of them had his hands on the other.

"Let go of me!" A man with pretty brown eyes shouted.

"Shut up whore!" The other man screamed back, hand inching down towards the other man's crotch.

George was about to charge forward when the man with pretty eyes elbowed the other man in the gut and escaped his arms. George went to try and restrain the man, but the man with the nice eyes beat him to it and promptly punched the man in the jaw, knocking him to the floor, unconscious.

George gaped for a moment and the man with pretty eyes turned around and was obviously startled when he saw him. George managed to recover quickly and immediately noticed that the man's knuckles were bruised.

"You gonna arrest me?" The man asked with narrow eyes.

"No, I'm not." George replied simply, scanning the room they were in and frowned when he realized there was no gauze around.

"Why?" The man asked.

"You're a survivor, it's written all over your body." George replied, smiling kindly at the young man who was frowning at him.

"How could you tell?" He asked suspiciously.

"The way you hold yourself." George said softly. "I've seen it often."

The man's brow furrowed, obviously questioning.

"I work with sexual assault and rape victims."

The man flinched at the name victim and looked away. "I'm not a victim."

"You are sir. While I have no doubt you are incredibly strong and brave, what was done to you makes you a victim of sexual and physical abuse." George said gently and he meant every word. He'd seen the way this man had fought against his supposed partner. Hell, half the time he witnessed the man sucker-punching his partner whenever he got too close. This man was he opposite of weak, but that didn't change the fact that he'd been a victim.

"What is your name?" The man asked.

"George Washington. And you?" George asked.

"Aaron Burr." The man said. He glanced at George's outstretched hand before cautiously accepting it.

"So," George said, glancing down at the unconscious man on the ground. "What do you want to do about him?"

"I've called the police." Aaron said. "Hopefully, he'll be locked up forever."

"I can help with that too." George said. "I know quite a few lawyers."

When Aaron smiled for the first time since they met, George felt his heart melt a bit.

"That would be most appreciated."

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