Water [Meggy]

281 15 8

Requested by: Bearthekitten1302333


"Come on Pegs! Hurry up." Maria said, dragging her girlfriend down the sandy path.

"'Ria, slow down!" Peggy said, stumbling a bit.

Maria gave her a wide grin, tugging her closer to the ocean.

"Come on, I wanna swim babe!" She said.

Peggy smiled, picking up her pace. "Okay, okay. I'm coming."

The second they were close to the water, Maria ran to it, happily trotting in. Peggy followed her, but she was much more cautious. She kept glancing at her feet, trying to make sure she didn't step on anything and she was always glancing back at the shore.

"Peggy!" Maria called.

Peggy turned to her and started to splutter when her girlfriend splashed her in the face.

"Maria!" She cried, wiping the seawater away from her eyes and spitting out what got in her mouth.

Maria, meanwhile, was giggling the entire time.

"You are so getting it!" Peggy screeched, gathering water and trying to splash Maria in return.

Maria squealed and managed to dodge. She ran at Peggy and tackled her, sending them both tumbling in the water.

Peggy panicked and started to flail, accidentally smacking Maria in the face.

"Babe, Pegs, Peggy. It's okay, calm down." Maria said, adjusting them so Peggy was above the water with Maria supporting her.

"You, I-I can't swim." Peggy said, face flushed both with embarrassment and from the recent adrenaline rush.

"Sorry Peggy." Maria said before planting a kiss on her lips.

Peggy hummed and kissed her back.

"Apology accepted." She said, diving for another kiss.

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