Massage [Burrfayette]

716 30 2

"Laf," Alexander said, glancing at the Frenchman. "You've been super tense lately, what's up?"

"My muscles have become incredibly sore." Lafayette explained from his spot in the couch. "Modeling is quite the straining job."

"Hmm." Alexander hummed. "Ooh! I know!"

Lafayette watched confused as Alexander rushed off to his room. He returned a minute later with a small card which he promptly shoved into Lafayette's hands.

"A friend of mine's family owns a really awesome massaging shop." Alexander explained. "Maybe that would help?"

Lafayette stared at the business card before grinning at his roommate. "Thank you Alexandre!"


It was another three days of sore muscles before he finally managed to book an appointment. From what Alexander had told him, this massage place was quite busy and popular. Lafayette walked inside the small shop and was surprised to see it was nearly empty.

"Hello?" He called.

"Sorry!" A male's voice said from behind the counter. Lafayette blinked when a young man popped up, looking a bit breathless. "Are you Mr Gilbert Lafayette?" The man asked, grunted as he set a large box down on the counter.

"Uh y-yes." Lafayette stammered, getting quite distracted by the man's pretty brown eyes and his quite toned biceps. The man smiled, showing off pearly whites.

"Wonderful. If you'll follow me."

Mutely, Lafayette nodded and followed the man through a small door which led to a larger room.

"I'm afraid all other employees are out today, so I'll be the one giving you a, uh back message correct?" The man said, looking down at a clipboard with furrowed brows.

"Y-Yes." Lafayette said, looking around.

"There's a change room just over to your right." The man said, still studying the board. "It seems you are scheduled for a foot rub as well."

Lafayette blinked. Oh that Alexander is a sneaky one. The man smiled at him gently before ushering him to the change room to change into a robe.


Lafayette left the shop feeling more relaxed than he'd ever felt before. Feeling a bit dazed and drowsy, he handed the man the money he owed and was about to leave when he realized he didn't have a name.

"Wait!" He called when he noticed the man was walking away.

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"What is your name?" Lafayette asked.

The man smiled. "Aaron Burr."

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