Carolers [Montyburr]

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Montgomery's eye twitched when the doorbell rang. His boyfriend, who was cuddled snugly in his arms, nudged his ribcage.

"Go answer it." He mumbled, cradling his hot coco closer.

"But this is the fifth time this evening." Montgomery whined. "I don't wanna get up again. You're so warm and comfy."

"Monty." Aaron said, staring up at him.

Sighing, Montgomery reluctantly rose and went to answer the door. "Damn carolers..." He grumbled on the way there.

"It's Christmas time Monty!" Aaron shouted, hearing him. "Have a bit of cheer!"

With a heavy sigh, he opened the door, the minute he does the carolers began singing. Fishing out some spare change from his pocket, he placed it in the little donation bag and waited impatiently for them to finish.

"Thank you so much sir!" The lady, obviously the leader of the group said, giving him a small curtsy. "Your generosity will not go unwasted."

"Right..." Montgomery mumbled, wanting nothing more than to cuddle up with his warm boyfriend by the fireplace.

"Merry Christmas good sir." The woman said, before setting off to with her group to bug, sorry carol, the neighbors.

"Merry Christmas..." Montgomery muttered to her retreating back. He closed the door and went back to his waiting boyfriend.

"I swear," He grumbled, curling up around him. "If I have to hear Deck the Halls one more time..."

"Don't worry love," Aaron said, giving him a small kiss. "It's getting late, I doubt there will be many more."

"I sure hope so."

Only ten minutes later, their doorbell went again.

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