Dancer [Burrfayette]

902 35 5

Tap tap tap.

Aaron sighed and set his book down, glaring a bit at his ceiling. Annoyance filled him. Why couldn't his upstairs neighbor choose a better time to practice their dancing or whatever they were doing? Every night, at exactly seven o'clock, Aaron would hear the familiar rhythm of the person dancing upstairs.

While he had no problem with the noise itself, he couldn't help but feel frustrated that the person chose to dance from seven till ten o'clock every single night, making it very difficult to sleep. Most nights, Aaron had to toss and turn and couldn't sleep until the tapping stopped.

Why doesn't he go upstairs and ask them to chose a better time to dance? Aaron's actually quite shy and he worried that he might make his neighbor mad and well, Aaron really didn't want another person to dislike him.

So he sucked it up and just read until ten thirty.

But then the person apparently decided to start dancing at six in the morning till eight in the morning, waking Aaron from his restless slumber with that infuriating tapping. Okay, he understood wanting to practice and get good at something, but this was just ridiculous! Did his neighbor have nowhere else to go to practice? Why did he have to chose such awful times?!

But still, Aaron said nothing and just adapted to his apparent new sleep schedule.

When the tapping started up again, only this time from four til ten with only a two hours break in between, Aaron lost it. He stomped out of his apartment and marched right up to the one above him. Taking a couple of deep breaths so he could do this politely, he knocked on the door.

The door opened, revealing a very tall man, at least compared to Aaron, wearing leggings and a sinfully tight tank top. Sweat was dripped down from the man's face and soft music was playing in the background.

Aaron couldn't help but scowl. Of course the annoying dancing neighbor was stupidly gorgeous.

"Can I help you?" The man asked and dammit, of course he was freaking french.

Aaron cleared his throat. "Uh yes. Your uh dancing has been keeping me up at night and I was hoping that maybe you could adjust your schedule slightly. Like, maybe you could stop at nine o'clock instead of ten and start at seven or eight instead of six... I live in the apartment below you by the way." Aaron rambled. By the end of it, his face was tinged pink and he was looking down at his shoes.

"I apologize Monsieur." The man finally spoke. "I have a recital coming up and I have been trying to practice as much as possible."

Aaron blinked. Well now he felt like a jerk. The two just stood there awkwardly, both not sure what to do. "I understand I just-" He started.

"But I can adjust my times a bit." The man interrupted. Aaron blinked and looked up.

"T-Thank you..." He stammered.

"What's your name?" The man asked. "Mine is Lafayette."

"Aaron." Aaron replied. "My name's Aaron Burr."

Lafayette took his hand and shook it, grinning. "It's nice to meet you Aaron Burr. Tell me, would you like to come see my recital? I'd love to take you out for dinner afterwards." He said with a wink.

Aaron's face turned red. "I uh. U-Um s-sure." He squeaked.

Lafayette grinned. "Excellent! Here is my number. I will text you the date."

Aaron gave him his number and walked back downstairs, feeling very warm all of a sudden. He never expected to get a date, especially not with a such a handsome man. Aaron smiled.

He couldn't wait to see Lafayette dance.

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