Hobbies [Poly Hamilton]

579 43 5

"Hey, Hercules, would you like some help?" Aaron asked, walking over to his boyfriend.

Hercules looked up from the dress he was sewing and blinked. "Um, if you'd be comfortable with it... I could really use a model to see this on."

Aaron smiled at him. "I don't mind."

Hercules grinned. "Great!"

Aaron stripped and allowed him to put the dress on. It was looser around his chest, but that was kinda to be expected.

Aaron stayed still with a pleasant smile on his face as Hercules finished up the dress, making sure it was tight in the proper places.

Neither noticed Alexander peeking in and snapping a picture to send to their other lovers.


"Are you planting petunias?" Aaron asked, crouching down beside John. John nodded and Aaron smiled, tucking some loose hair behind his ear.

"Would you like some help?"

John's eyes lit up and he glanced at Aaron with a grin. "You wanna help?"

"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't."

"Grab a shovel and we'll get started."


"What're you doing Lafayette?" Aaron asked, peeking over his boyfriends shoulder.

"Scrapbooking." Lafayette responded, carefully arranging the photos.

"Do you want some help?" Aaron asked, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and squeezing him gently.

Lafayette looked up and kissed his cheek, a wide smile on his face. "That would be lovely, thank you, mon cher."

Aaron grabbed a chair and settled beside him.


"Hey Aaron,"

Aaron looked up and smiled at Alexander.

"What do you need?" He asked, closing his book.

"Could you proofread this?" He asked, placing his laptop in Aaron's lap and taking a seat beside him.

"Sure thing Alex. But will you promise to actually listen to my suggestions?" Aaron asked.

Alexander pouted. "Fine."


Aaron squealed when he was suddenly picked up.

"Hercules!" He said, giggling and fighting against his boyfriends tight hold.

He squealed and giggled as his face was peppered with kisses.

By the time he was placed back on his feet, he was a blushing, giggly mess.

"What was that for?" He asked, only to squeak when arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled against a warm chest.

"Hey darlin'." John purred, nuzzling his neck. Lafayette and Alexander appeared a moment later and also peppered him with affection.

They ended up in a cuddle pile, Aaron at the center.

"What was all this for?" He asked, snuggling closer and sighing contently.

"For helping us." Hercules said.

"You're too sweet." Lafayette murmured, kissing his neck softly.

"Next time, we're helping you." Alexander added.

Aaron smiled. "Sounds good."

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