Dirty Talk [Mullette]

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"I wanna tie you down and-"

Lafayette frowned when he heard Alexander and John talking in the other room. He was very confused. Why would John say such strange things? Maybe Hercules could tell him.

"Hercules!" He called joyfully once he spotted the man. Hercules turned at his name and smiled at the frenchmen.

"Yes Lafayette?" He asked.

"Um, John and Alexandre were s-speaking strange a moment ago." He stammered. He knew he'd gotten something wrong, but he was still new to English.

"Oh? What were they saying?" Hercules asked.

"Well, I thinked John said something like uh, I wanna tie you-"

"I've heard enough!" Hercules squeaked loudly. Lafayette frowned in confusion when he saw the blush coating his face.

"Hercules? What wrong?" He asked, confused out of his mind.

"U-Um Laf, they were doing something called um, dirty talk." He explained, still blushing furiously.

"Is that something uhm how you say, sexual?" He asked and Hercules nodded, not metting his eyes.



An awkward silence fell over them. A moan sounded out, causing both men to blush furiously.

"Let's go for lunch." Hercules squeaked.

"Sounds well!" Lafayette squeaked back.

They didn't return until midnight.

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