Anxiety Attack [Burrfayette]

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"Aaron I'm home." When Lafayette got no response, he frowned. Normally Aaron responded right away when he called.

"Aaron?" He called. He pursed his lips when he heard a sniffle. Worry filling his heart, he walked swiftly to where he heard the sound.

"Aaron, mon coeur?" He said, gently tapping on the door. When he got no response, he opened the door. He immediately rushed to his lover who was curled up on their bed, crying softly.

"Aaron, what's wrong?" He asked, making sure Aaron could see his hand before placing it on his shoulder. Aaron's breath hitched and he took in a shuddering breath.

"I-I can't." He gasped, before squeezing his eyes shut. Lafayette could feel how harshly he was trembling and how tense he was.

"Aaron, love, I need you to breathe with me. Can you do that sweet?" He asked, taking Aaron's hand and squeezing it gently. Aaron shook his head and sobbed.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." He soothed. "I know it's hard." He placed their joint hands on his chest and took a deep breath. "In," he said gently and exhaled. "And out. In, and out."

He repeated it until finally, after a few exhausting minutes of crying and harsh breathing, Aaron finally managed to calm down and regain control.

Aaron bite his lip when he saw the concerned look on Lafayette's face.

"Darling, we don't have to talk about it now," Lafayette said, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Aaron gave him a shaky smile and a small gasp left his lips when Lafayette laid next to him and spooned him.


"We're just gonna relax now mon petite." He said quietly, his lips brushing Aaron's. He smiled lovingly and breathed in Aaron's scent. "I know how exhausting it is when you have an attack. Get some rest, we'll talk after."

Aaron let out a shaky exhale before melting against his boyfriend.

"Okay." He murmured, snuggling close and smiling when Lafayette did the same.

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