Singing [Jeffburr]

830 42 7

Thomas sat up with a loud yawn. He stretched, looking over to the other side of the bed. He was unsurprised to see it empty. Aaron typically went for a run early in the morning and then had a shower to wash the grim off.

Unsurprisngly, Thomas could hear the shower going. He let out another yawn, before standing and wandering over to the curtains, pulling them open. He snorted at the sight of the traffic of New York. Being freshly out of college, neither Thomas nor Aaron could afford a better apartment. They were lucky to have even gotten this one bedroom.

Stiffling yet another yawn, Thomas sleepily walked over to the dresser and grabbed some faded jeans and a purple T-shirt. 

Letting out a small sigh, he wandered over to the bathroom to brush his teeth and attempt to tame his hair. He and Aaron were together so he knew the other wouldn't mind Thomas coming in and doing whatever.

He pushed the door open and went to the mirror, not even registering the soft singing coming from behind the shower curtain.

He reached into the mirror and grabbed his toothpaste and toothbrush. As he opened the tootpaste and squirted some onto his brush, the soft singing from the shower went though one ear but didn't go out the other.

Aaron. Singing. In shower. Oh my god!

He was so shocked in fact that he dropped his toothbrush and in his haste to grab it, slipped on the floor and went tumbling down, knocking down various things with a loud bang and shriek.


Thomas looked up to see Aaron peeking out from the shower curtain with wide eyes. The two just stared at each in silence before Aaron burst out laughing.

Thomas froze. While he knew his boyfriend was happy and loved him very much, Aaron still didn't laugh very often. When he did, it was normally either a quiet chuckle or a couple of giggles.

"Y-You have t-toothpaste all o-over!" He stammered, still laughing hysterically.

Thomas blinked. He raised a hand to his face, surprised to feel toothpaste on his cheek. He glanced at the toothpaste bottle in his hand, noticing that when he'd fallen his hand had squeezed the bottle, causing toothpaste to fly everywhere.

"O-Oh." He said sheepishly.

Aaron snorted. "Now you'll have to have a shower- Wait what are you doing?!"

Thomas glanced up, tossing his shirt to the ground. "What?" He said, now unbuttoning his jeans. "Can't I join you?"

Aaron's face was flushed and he was hiding behind the curtain.

Thomas dumped his underwear and pants on the ground and walked over. "Don't be shy Aaron." He said, pulling the curtain back a bit and kissing Aaron deeply.

Aaron melted into it and Thomas stepped into the shower.

A few minutes later, Thomas had his arms tightly wrapped around Aaron.

"You'll sing more yah?" He muttered, nipping his lover's ear. Aaron shuddered against him and pressed closer.

"Y-Yeah... okay." He stuttered, face flushed for more reasons then one.

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