Dom [Wilkinburr]

512 24 10

Warning: NSFW


Wilkinson smirked when Burr yelped. He twisted his fingers again, causing Burr to let out a strangled moan.

"Don't you look pretty?" He purred.

Burr panted beneath him, glaring through wet eyelashes. "Eat my ass Wilkinson." He growled.

Wilkinson smirked. "Maybe later."

He stroked Burr's G spot, causing the man to moan loudly, his hands struggling against his restraints.

Wilkinson hummed before pulling his fingers out of the man's cunt.

"I think that's enough prep, don't you?" He said, slicking himself up. Burr only squirmed, and opened his mouth to say some thing, only for it to snap back shut and a strangled moan escaped.

"Fuck." Burr groaned, taking in all of Wilkinson's member.

"Look at you." Wilkinson growled, voice rough. "Taking my cock so well."

A whimper escaped Burr, who immediately turned bright red and turned his face to the side.

Wilkinson smirked, before grabbing Burrs jaw and forcing him to look him in the eyes.

"No hiding now," he said, thrusting forward to accent his point. "I want to hear all your noises."

Burr glared at him, before squeezing his eyes shut and groaning. Wilkinson grinned when the younger man finally relaxed.

Now the fun could begin.

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