Kinky [Lams]

798 28 11

Requested by: itzthefandomshipper

Warning: Slightly NSFW


"Alexander!" John hissed. "What are you doing?"

Alexander looked up at him with a sly grin. "What does it look like I'm doing?" He said, pulling John's belt away.

John's face was a bright red. "We are in public!" He whisper-yelled.

Alexander shrugged, tugging at his pants now. "Your point?"

"We can't do this here! What if someone sees?"

Alexander smirked. "Let them watch. Seeing us would be no different than watching porn."

John's face turned an even brighter red. Alexander tugged at his pants again. "Now, you alright with this or not?"

Despite being flustered and embarrassed, John didn't protest when Alexander pulled his pants and boxers down.

(After all, who was he to say no to a blowjob from Alexander Hamilton? The things that boy could do with his mouth, well, they made John see stars.)

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