Wait [Hamburr]

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"I can't wait for death."

Aaron froze. Okay then. That was not something he expected to hear come out of Alexander's mouth.

"Okay..." He said, slightly worried that his boyfriend had become suicidal. "Why?"

"Because once I'm done here, I'll have nothing to do." Alexander grinned. "I bet the world after death is a total mess. I'll have so much to do once I get there."

Aaron stared at him. The thought of Alexander Hamilton dying just seemed, impossible, unrealistic. And yet it was going to happened one day.

"That may be so, but you'll wait right?" Aaron said, softly, cautiously.

Alexander glanced at him from his place on the bed. "Of course Aaron! I've still got so much to do here. I can't die yet."

Aaron relaxed slightly, but felt a bit disappointed that he himself wasn't a reason for Alexander to keep living. Holding back a sigh, he returned his gaze to his book.


"What Alexander?"

Aaron squeaked when a hand suddenly snatched his book away. Before he could protest, he was pulled to his feet and Alexander kissed him.

"What was that for?' Aaron asked, slightly dazed, once his lover pulled back. Alexander smiled at him before kissing him again, slow and deep. When they pulled away, Aaron was a bit breathless. Alexander held him for a minute.

"But of course," He said, placing a kiss on Aaron's forehead. "I can't leave you, so I'll be sticking around a bit longer."

Aaron hated how Alexander could read him so easily.

"You better." He mumbled, pressing his face into Alexander's chest.

Alexander simply laughed.

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