Gunplay [Leeburr]

496 23 19

Warning: NSFW


Aaron shuddered as the cool metal of the gun ran down his bare back.

He struggled against his bonds and moaned slightly when he was smacked for his troubles. He was gagged and tied up tightly. He couldn't do anything except squirm fruitlessly.

"Stop moving." His boyfriend Charles snapped.

Aaron panted behind the gag and squeezed his eyes shut. He gasped when Charles yanked his gag down.

"Charlie." He whimpered, begging.

"Quiet." Charles said, placing the fake gun at his head. The smell of gunpowder filled Aaron's senses. Even though he knew the gun was fake and not loaded, the smell and feel of the gun made him shivered with lust. When Charles placed his cock near his lips, Aaron dropped his mouth open obediently.

"Suck." Charles ordered, pressing the gun to his head more firmly and Aaron couldn't help but happily comply.

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